soprano and 7 players 9½’
Text: Thomas Hardy
fl/picc., cl, vib, pf, vn, va, vc
One of a series of eight chamber works inspired by the writings of Thomas Hardy and known collectively as Wessex Heights. The pieces may be performed separately or in any combination.
0.0.1 (+bcl).0/ perc. vib. pf/ 5′
One of a series of eight chamber works inspired by the writings of Thomas Hardy and known collectively as Wessex Heights. The pieces may be performed separately or in any combination.
soprano, flute, oboe and violin 3½’
Text: Thomas Hardy
first performance: Jane Ginsborg and Sheffield University New Music Ensemble cond. George Nicholson, University Drama Studio, Sheffield, 19 November 2009
One of a series of eight chamber works inspired by the writings of Thomas Hardy and known collectively as Wessex Heights. The pieces may be performed separately or in any combination.
soprano and 9 players 6′
fl, ob, cl/bcl, hn, vib, pf, vn, va, vc
One of a series of eight chamber works inspired by the writings of Thomas Hardy and known collectively as Wessex Heights. The pieces may be performed separately or in any combination.
wind orchestra 21′
written for and premiered by the Sheffield University Wind Orchestra cond. Anthony Houghton, Firth Hall, Sheffield, 21 March 2009
oboe and piano 4′
in memory of Wilfrid Mellers
first performance: Chloe Miller Smith and George Nicholson, St Mark’s, Broomhill, Sheffield, 8 June 2008
8 instruments 11′
alto flute, oboe d’amore (or oboe), alto clarinet (or bass clarinet), horn, vibraphone, violin, viola, cello
(arrangement of the choral work by Robert Hacomplaynt)
first performance: Sheffield University New Music Ensemble cond. George Nicholson, St Mark’s, Broomhill, Sheffield, 8 June 2008
flute/alto flute, horn, viola and harp 10½’
first performance: Arpège, Firth Hall, Sheffield University, 26 February 2008
sop sax, hn, tpt, hp, gtr, perc/ 9′
(incorporates Hic Harold Rex interfectus est as the second movement)